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Khari Slaughter

UI/UX Designer with 10y+ Graphic Experience
5 Projekte
4 Empfehlungen
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    600 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate95 %
  • Antwortzeit24h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Khari annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Berlin, Deutschland
Ist bereit bei Ihnen im Büro zu arbeiten, in
  • Berlin und Umkreis (bis zu 10 km)

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Khari in wenigen Worten
Hi there 👋 My name is Khari.

I have over a decade of experience designing landing pages, logos, and brand experiences for known companies like Planted, Zalando,, the American Psychological Association, Vice, and many more.

I pride myself in my flexibility and versatility and I am sure you will too. I look forward to learning how I can help with your next project.

Why should you work with me?

✅ More than a decade of experience shaping brands, elevating websites, enhancing products, and making magic with pixels ✨
✅ Highly adaptable and accustomed to fast-paced work with cross-functional teams.
✅ Keen eye for style and am well adapted to a variety of styles.
✅ Proficiency in HTML/CSS/Javascript ensures my designs consider not just the visuals, but also the implementation.
✅ A variety of skills: Design (product/graphic), illustration, SVG animation, branding, video editing, audio editing, photo editing, and front-end development.

What can you expect from our working relationship?

✅ Diligent design systems and file organization according to best practices.
✅ Impressively rapid execution and delivery. (It is rare that a client does not walk away happy within 3 rounds of feedback.)
✅ Easy and frequent communication

IMPORTANT: My daily rate is based on 8h of work. I also don't want price to be prohibitive. If you're interested in my services, please get in touch. I am open to negotiating.

More of my work can be found at DRIBBBLE.COM/KH4RI
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Acquirepad UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
    Designer and Web Developer
    Januar 2023 - Juni 2024 (1 Jahr und 5 Monate)
    Berlin, Germany
    - Web Design
    - Graphic Design
    - Webflow
    - Blog CMS Setup
    Figma HTML5 Graphic design Responsive Design Webdesign User Interface Design Illustration Graphisme
  • AlgorithmWatch
    Illustrator and designer
    Januar 2023 - Januar 2023
    Berlin, Deutschland
    It was an honor to work on the illustration project for Melis and the Dataskop team. I took pride in providing the team with quality deliverables that were neatly organized in a Figma file, allowing for seamless editing after the project was handed over.

    In addition to the illustrations, I developed a custom color system that harmoniously complemented the artwork. I also created a unique hand-drawn font of numbers, which added an extra touch of personalization for use in social media posts announcing milestones.

    I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the project and I hope that the final result exceeded the team's expectations. I am humbled by the chance to showcase my skills and I look forward to any future opportunities to work with Melis and the Dataskop team.
    Figma Graphic design Identité visuelle Visuelle Identität Illustration Visuelle Kommunikation
  • brandcity GmbH
    UI/UX Designer
    Januar 2020 - Januar 2020 (1 Monat)
    Berlin, Deutschland
    Landing page design
    Graphic design Sketch Responsive Design User Interface Design Identité visuelle User Experience Design Visuelle Identität Visuelle Kommunikation
5 Projekte auf Malt
  • Qualität

  • Zuverlässigkeit

  • Kommunikation




Es hat uns unglaublich viel Spaß gemacht, mit Khari zu arbeiten! Er hat für unsere DataSkop Kampagne verschiedene Visuals entwickelt unter großem Zeitdruck, an Ideen selbst mitgearbeitet und eine Gestaltung umgesetzt, die weit über unseren hohen Erwartungen lag. Zusätzlich hat er sich viel Zeit für uns genommen, war super freundlich und herzlich in der Kommunikation, und hat uns nach Übergabe der Visuals auch eine kleine Figma-Lesson gegeben. Wir werden auf jeden Fall wieder zusammenarbeiten. Kann ich nur empfehlen!


Matthias-brandcity GmbH


Great work!


Roberto-Francia Mozzarella GmbH


Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden. Alles ist reibungslos gelaufen und Khari war besonders pünktlich und professionell. Francia Mozzarella GmbH

4 externe Empfehlungen
Gabriel ReimersGR
Coding Friends UG
We hired Khari to re-design the icon of our app "Wokabulary".
The result is wonderful, and we get lots of compliments on it.
Khari is very pleasant to work with, and he is extremely fast and focused.
Susan PodzibaSP
Susan Podziba
Podziba Policy Mediation
I've hired Khari for a number of projects, including website design and graphic design. He exceeded my expectations on every project. Khari is creative, talented, focused, a pleasure to work with, and gets the job done on time and within budget. There were times when I dropped the ball on deadlines, but Khari was there to remind me what I needed to do to meet MY deadline for the project. Most of all, I love the work he's done for me and I get rave reviews from my clients!
Matt HMH
Matt H
Matt H
I contracted Khari to perform some video editing and graphic design for a nightclub. His work was completed on time and to a very high standard. His choice of shot selection and video pacing was excellent, and Khari was very easy to deal with. The project was delivered on time and fully as per specs. I look forward to continuing to work with him!
John OJO
John O
After seeing Khari's work on that course I decided to hire him full time to do all of our design work. That included designing a learning platform where students could view courses. Khari was able to mock the UI and then turn the mock into HTML/CSS. A designer who can implement their designs in code is a rare find. Khari can do that, and more.

Khari started editing videos for us. He created complex animations and sounds that took our course videos from simple screencasts to professionally edited lessons.

Five years later and I still go to Khari whenever I need design or video editing. He's a one-man army on all things visual.
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Sociology, Visual Art
    Wesleyan University
    Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus on Sociology and Visual Arts
  • TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certified Instructor
    Oxford Seminars
    TEFL English Teacher Instructor TESL Teaching TESOL