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Victor Randolph Wright

Entwickler/Developer - Websites and Apps
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    480 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung3-7 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Victor Randolph annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Germany, Germany
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Victor Randolph in wenigen Worten
I am an enthusiastic and deep-diving Full-Stack Web and App Developer, taking care to ensure good usability and fault-tolerance. I leverage my skills learned in a long-term IT background - from programming/coding, website design, networking, software/hardware setup, and troubleshooting.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Freelance
    Full-Stack Developer (Web & App)
    Januar 2022 - Heute (3 Jahre und 1 Monat)
    Available for Full Stack Application frontend and backend development: ■ React, Express, Node with Rest API, HTML5/CSS3 (ES6), SQL/NoSQL (PostgreSQL/Mongoose). ■ Website designing & hosting services, Cloud Computing, Microservices. ■ Advanced projects using MS Excel and Word ■ Graphic designing: Coreldraw, Photoshop, Canva etc
  • HomeOffice | Online
    IT Freelancer : No Job Too Small - IT/Web/Software, English Copywriting, Others
    September 2020 - August 2021 (11 Monate)
    Bavaria, Germany
    Change of career due to relocating to Germany. ■ Continuing Designing & development of software/web/IT solutions ■ Building and maintaining a data-centric Excel worksheet solution for SUNBIRD Marketing and Salesworkflow/CRM. ■ Providing Hosting and Email services ■ Updated and Redesigned Webpages with HTML, CSS and PHP/JScript ■ Created Marketing propeganda in Word/PDF
  • Sunbird Super Solar Hotwater Systems
    General Manager
    Juni 2001 - September 2020 (19 Jahre und 3 Monate)
    Sri Lanka
    Company is a Renewable Energy (Solar) Provider, engaged in developing, manufacturing, sales andinstallation of "SUNBIRD" Solar Hotwater Systems and "SENSE" PV Solar Electricity Systems. Direct Responsibilities: Administration • IT & Software Development • sales • marketing • installation • after-sales • research &development • production • procurement • cost analysis
    • fund management • personnel • security Career Highlights: ■ Originally a back-yard project of 3-lakhs/month in 2001, grossing over 30million/month turnover(2020). ■ Main facility expanded with modern production factory, stores, office complex etc. ■ Set up and developed the Island-wide distribution network with 11 sales/ regional offices. ■ Originated the import and export division. ■ Spear-headed the International Outreach Program.
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Full Stack App and web Development, Information Technology
    WBS Coding School
    Full Stack App and web Development, Information Technology
  • High School Diploma
    Maris Stella College Negombo
    High School Diploma, General Certificate of Education