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Elena Renn

Illustrator, Animator, Painter & Designer
4 Empfehlungen
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    470 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit12h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Elena annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
München, Deutschland
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Elena in wenigen Worten
I am an artist, animator and designer currently based in Munich. I studied Animation and graduated from Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, where I'm also from.

Curiosity has led me to skills and knowledge across many different artistic disciplines, the most of my experience being in character animation, 2D and 3D, with some additional time spent doing character design, 3D modeling and rigging. While that gives my skills a breadth and flexibility, I really don't fit easily into any one category. I also offer vector illustration, digital painting, character design, abstract word art, motion graphics, storyboarding, surreal and character animations, and more. Not sure if I do it? - just ask - I'm always open to discussion and learning something new.

If you're looking for quality, curiosity and collaboration over quick fixes and following trends, then I'm excited to hear from you.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Delightex GmbH
    Animation & Graphics Artist
    November 2015 - Heute (9 Jahre und 3 Monate)
    Munich, Germany
    Design and animation of 70+ 3D characters, animals and objects for an online 3D content creation tool for schools. Also graphic design and illustrations for websites and print.
    Animation Illustration Graphic Design Blender Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator
  • Ferver Studios
    Flash Animator
    Mai 2014 - April 2015 (11 Monate)
    animation vector character animation Adobe Flash
4 externe Empfehlungen

Katja Guiri und 3 weitere Personen empfehlen Elena

Katja GuiriKG
Katja Guiri
Working with Elena on our animation project has been a delight and the end result amazing. Elena was very enjoyable to work with - responsive, professional, keeping deadlines, delivering on time. Elena perfectly understood the briefing and was able to guide my team and myself with her recommendations. Despite the short timing, the collaboration was very successful. We defined a good number of check-ins along the way to ensure any questions or doubts were resolved in a timely manner. Elena was able to challenge our decisions when deemed necessary and at the same time respect our wishes and requests. I can absolutely recommend to work with Elena and am looking forward to potential collaboration myself.
Simon FranzSF
Simon Franz
For five years I worked with Elena on creating rich worlds of props, animals and characters. She imagined and designed everything needed to populate an entire library of 3D object in a unique and consistent style. Her ability to create cute, exciting, cartoony and realistic animations for every kind of 3D object was always impressive to see.

Her high skill level in design and animation made the excellent team work with her a lot of fun and I can highly recommend her work and expertise!
Stefan FilffSF
Stefan Filff
I had the pleasure of working with Elena for five years at Delightex, collaborating on several projects that expanded the content offer of our product. I was particularly impressed by Elena's ability to consistently breathe animated life into subjects ranging from common animals to fantastic beasts effortlessly. She's able to conceptualize characters no matter the technical constraints while managing to make her work both creative and entertaining.

I highly recommend Elena if you need a skilled animator or concept artist on board!
Tim HouTH
Tim Hou
Ferver Inc
Worked on 2D animation assets for iOS mobile app - Viking Remix Madness
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Bachelor of Animation
    Griffith University
    2D animation and character design