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Abdessamad Idrissi

Full Stack Web Developer
7 Projekte
1 Empfehlung
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    333 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit24h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Abdessamad annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Berlin, Deutschland
Ist bereit bei Ihnen im Büro zu arbeiten, in
  • Berlin und Umkreis (bis zu 10 km)

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Abdessamad in wenigen Worten
Hi this is Almo,
I am a full stack web developer with more than a decade of experience in software development. I have been working with many international clients (AXA Germany, Zeit Media - Germany, Zain Group - Kuwait…) from initial project brainstorming, UI design & backend code development to continuous deployment on distributed servers.

While always looking for challenging projects where many technologies interact, I am more oriented into building enterprise microservices and taking care of their deployment to both cloud services and self-hosted Docker containers.
I work with frontend technologies from basic HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SASS to modern frameworks such as ReactJs, Angular and runtime environments like Node to name a few.

With a broad technical skill set, solving problems is my ambition, especially when it comes to backend technologies and frameworks. From entry-level CMS’s (WordPress plugins & themes) to more advanced enterprise-ready web frameworks (Symfony and re-usable components): delivering solid and unit tested code (that complies with the latest standards and security advisories) is always my goal to achieve.

Flexibility and understanding of teamwork make it easy to collaborate and lead other team members both in Kanban or Scrum oriented projects.
Being able to speak five languages and contribute to open source projects allows me to work with teams from different international backgrounds.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Up Gesundheit GmbH
    Full Stack web developer with DevOps knowledge
    Juli 2024 - Juli 2024
    Berlin, Germany
    Amazon Web Services Wordpress plugin AngularJS Laravel Nginx DevOps
  • Optonet AG
    Senior Developer
    September 2021 - September 2021
    Berlin, Germany
    Fix issues with Magento shop.
    Symfony PHP CSS MySQL Magento LESS
  • Arne Spremberg
    Senior Developer
    Februar 2021 - März 2021 (1 Monat)
    Berlin, Germany
    Development, enhancement, and maintenance of an ERP tool from one of the client's partners agencies. I was a senior developer with the task of refractoring the old Symfony-based PHP project.
    Symfony PHP Doctrine Docker Vagrant
7 Projekte auf Malt
  • Qualität

  • Zuverlässigkeit

  • Kommunikation


Steffen-Steffen Müller


Really nice working with Abdessamad, professional & polite. Can recommend.


Udo-GameArt Studio GmbH


Herr Idrissi hat für unser Browsergame eine Api-Schnittstelle zum Zahlungsdienstleister Xsolla programmiert. Das Projekt war sehr komplex und in jeder Weise anspruchsvoll. Herr Idrissi hat ausgezeichnete Arbeit geleistet. Wir haben sehr von seiner Erfahrung profitiert. Die Zusammenarbeit war stets schnell, unkompliziert, effizient und angenehm. Das Projekt wurde vor dem geplanten Zeitpunkt abgeschlossen. Weitere Aufträge werden folgen.


Arne-Arne Spremberg


Great help, great knowledge, modest and professional! Thanks and hopefully we will work together soon again.

1 externe Empfehlung

Hal Gourad empfiehlt Abdessamad

Hal GouradHG
Hal Gourad
Trassig Corp.
Almu not only has an exceptional mastery of coding, he goes beyond that to make an effort to understand the full picture so as to adapt the infrastructure to be relevant in the future. Not just the present. I found that capability to be extremely helpful and a fresh breath of air in our enterprise projects. I have worked with developers from all over the world over hundreds of projects in my professional life and I have to say that Almu really stands apart. He is very knowledgeable, hardworking, ethical, and tends to ask the right questions. He is a pleasure to work with and I full heartedly recommend him to be part of any team you might be putting together.
Ausbildung & Abschlüsse
  • Diploma of higher education
    Ibn Zohr University - Morocco
  • Diploma in Web Development and Design
    Ecole pour le Web Avancé - Morocco