- TripleyeEntrepreneur in Residence / Senior Venture DeveloperSOFTWARE-HERSTELLERJuni 2022 - Heute (2 Jahre und 6 Monate)Berlin, GermanyWith Tripleye we provide 3D Sensing for the next level of automation Responsibilities:- Direct support of CEO in all topics e.g. product, operations, fundraising, sales, recruiting, finance- Product for bloc (get-bloc.com)
- climeBubble DeveloperSOFTWARE-HERSTELLERFebruar 2022 - März 2022 (2 Monate)Berlin, Deutschland
- VIKTUCo-FounderLEBENSMITTELINDUSTRIEApril 2021 - Mai 2022 (1 Jahr und 1 Monat)Berlin, Germany- Build and launched MVP and established operations in less than 3 months (bootstrapped)- Build highly customised webshop with interactive recipe platform and automated fulfilment- Acquired a base of weekly subscribers and sold 90+ meals weekly
Maximilian Brückner empfiehlt Tosan Michael
- Master of ScienceLeibniz Universität Hannover2019Master of Science (M.Sc.), Engineering & Economics (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)
- Bachelor of ScienceLeibniz Universität Hannover2015Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Engineering & Economics (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)