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Muhammad Usman

Flutter Developer | Android, iOS & Desktop Apps
1 Empfehlung
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    150 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung3-7 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit12h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Muhammad annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Berlin, Germany
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Fähigkeiten (20)
Muhammad in wenigen Worten
Embarking on my Flutter journey in late 2020, I've delved deep into the Flutter SDK, dedicating almost 8 hours daily to craft seamless applications.

Here's what makes me a good fit:
4+ Years in Flutter: I bring substantial experience in developing Android, iOS, and desktop apps.
Cross-Platform Champ: My goal is to make apps shine on both iOS and Android platforms.
Bilingual Wizard: I'm fluent in English.
Cost-Effective: I can work at a budget-friendly rate of €150/day without compromising quality.

Over the past two and a half years on my YouTube channel, Ottoman Coder, I've been teaching Flutter app development, fostering a vibrant community of over 1,000 subscribers.

Let's connect and explore the world of Flutter together!
🎥 YouTube:
🚀 GitHub:
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Ottoman Coder
    Flutter Developer - iOS & Android
    November 2020 - Heute (4 Jahre und 4 Monate)
    - Explored diverse freelance platforms, including Fiverr and Upwork, showcasing versatility.
    - Delivered over 50 mobile applications, demonstrating proficiency in issue resolution and feature integration.
    - Expertise focuses on optimizing app performance and enhancing user experiences through innovative functionalities.
    - Collaborated with a broad range of clients, consistently exceeding expectations and earning client satisfaction.
    - Proudly delivered unparalleled services, earning acclaim from over 200 satisfied customers.
    - Recognized for a professional approach and strong technical acumen in the freelance career.
    Flutter Dart Firebase Ci/CD Android Mobile development iOS
  • SD Cold Logistics & YouShopper
    Senior Flutter Developer
    November 2022 - Mai 2023 (6 Monate)
    Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
    - Managed three apps concurrently: Delivery Boy app, Seller app, and User E-commerce app.
    - Diverse responsibilities included implementing new features, bug resolution, and conducting unit testing.
    - Collaborated seamlessly with backend developers, providing crucial support in API testing for smooth integration.
    - Successfully merged Delivery Boy and Seller apps into a unified application, streamlining development and enhancing user interactions.
    - Navigated through stringent app store guidelines, overseeing the publishing process on both app store and Play Store.
    - Demonstrated strong project management skills and effective communication in a dynamic environment.
    - Achieved heightened user satisfaction through strategic consolidation and improved functionality.
    - Successfully obtained approvals for app publishing, showcasing dedication to quality and compliance.
    - Contributed significantly to expanding the apps' functionality and increasing user reach.
    - Committed to delivering impactful solutions in the dynamic realm of mobile app development.
    Flutter Dart Android iOS Swift Mobile development Firebase
  • Fulfil Supply Chain
    Flutter Developer - iOS & Android
    September 2021 - März 2023 (1 Jahr und 6 Monate)
    Vientiane, Laos

    - Developed an E-commerce application from the ground up, incorporating a Multi-Vendor System for diverse product offerings.
    - Integrated various payment gateways into the Flutter app using REST APIs to facilitate secure transactions.
    - Utilized local packages to efficiently manage custom components and API architecture for improved application maintenance.
    - Implemented REST API, Firebase, and local cache integration to enhance the user experience and ensure seamless data access.
    - Streamlined the Orders, Cart, and Checkout process to ensure a smooth shopping experience for customers.
    - Leveraged the flutter_bloc state management and provider for effective management of local states and global use cases.
    - Successfully developed a Courier App operating in multiple countries, managing seller sections, adding products, and more.
    Flutter Dart Firebase API Android iOS
1 externe Empfehlung

Markus Rösch empfiehlt Muhammad

Markus RöschMR
Very professional Flutter Developer
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (BCompSc)
    Allama Iqbal Open University
  • 12th, Computer Science
    Degree College Gojra
    12th, Computer Science