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Dennis Barnekow

Senior Penetration Tester
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    880 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung3-7 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Dennis annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Offenburg, Deutschland
Ist bereit bei Ihnen im Büro zu arbeiten, in
  • Offenburg und Umkreis (bis zu 50 km)
  • Karlsruhe und Umkreis (bis zu 50 km)
  • Freiburg und Umkreis (bis zu 50 km)
  • Basel und Umkreis (bis zu 50 km)
  • Frankfurt am Main und Umkreis (bis zu 50 km)

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Dennis in wenigen Worten

Enhance Your Cybersecurity with Expert Internal Penetration Testing & Active Directory Security

Who Am I?

I am a seasoned internal penetration tester and IT-security engineer with a specialized focus on Active Directory security. My unique expertise lies in understanding both sides of the cybersecurity equation—offense and defense. This dual perspective empowers me to not only identify vulnerabilities but also recommend comprehensive solutions and create effective detection rules.

Why Choose My Services?

Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment:
With my deep knowledge of attack methodologies, I conduct thorough internal penetration tests to uncover hidden vulnerabilities within your Active Directory environment. From privilege escalation pathways to lateral movement opportunities, I leave no stone unturned.

Expert Remediation Recommendations:
Identifying vulnerabilities is only half the battle. Leveraging my defensive expertise, I provide actionable recommendations to close security gaps effectively. Whether it's configuring Group Policies correctly, enhancing password policies, or deploying advanced security features, I guide you every step of the way.

Proactive Threat Detection:
Beyond remediation, I help you stay one step ahead of attackers by developing custom detection rules tailored to your environment. These rules enable early detection of potential breaches, allowing for swift incident response and minimizing damage.

Holistic Security Enhancement:
My services go beyond Active Directory security. I offer a holistic approach to fortifying your entire IT infrastructure, ensuring that all potential entry points are secured and monitored.

Don't wait for a breach to expose your vulnerabilities.
Contact me today to discuss how we can enhance your cybersecurity posture.

Kind regards,
Dennis Barnekow

Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Bugshell
    Penetration Tester
    April 2024 - Heute (10 Monate)
  • Koehlerpaper
    Information Technology Security Engineer
    April 2024 - Heute (10 Monate)
    Oberkirch, BW, Germany
  • Koehlerpaper
    Information Technology Security Engineer
    März 2021 - März 2024 (3 Jahre)
    Oberkirch, BW, Germany
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Master's degree, enterprise- and it-security
    Offenburg University of Applied Sciences
    Master's degree, enterprise- and it-security
  • Bachelor of Science
    University of Applied Sciences Offenburg
    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), enterprise and it security
  • Abitur , Computers and information technology
    Information technology gymnasium Offenburg
    Abitur , Computers and information technology