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Ali Aminian

Java Backend Developer
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    600 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Ali annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Frankfurt, HE, Germany
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Fähigkeiten (30)
Ali in wenigen Worten
With 17 years of experience in software development, I specialize in Java-based solutions for banking and financial systems.

Key Skills:
Financial Systems: Expertise in banking, trade finance, and SWIFT Payments.
Java Development: Proficient in Java Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, WebFlux, and Quarkus.
Microservices: Skilled in designing scalable microservice architectures.
Modern Methodologies: Experienced in TDD, DDD, and CQRS.
Event Streaming: Adept with Apache Kafka for distributed systems.
Containerization: Proficient in Docker and Kubernetes.
Database Management: Expertise with Postgresql, MongoDB, Oracle, and Redis.
I thrive on solving complex challenges and driving project success with innovative solutions.With 17 years of experience in software development, I specialize in Java
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Zahlungswerk
    Softwarearchitektur und Backend-entwickler
    Februar 2023 - Heute (1 Jahr und 12 Monate)
    Hamburg, Deutschland
    As an IT Architect and Java backend developer, I specialize in payment systems. I have created several microservices using Java 17, 21, and Spring Boot 3. Additionally, I manage DevOps tasks for developing and staging environments in GCP.
    Key Responsibilities:
    • Java Spring Boot Development: Developed microservices with Java 17, 21, Redis, Postgres, Spring Boot 3, PubSub, Camunda, Neo4j, Jobrunr, OpenAPI, and Debezium.
    • CI/CD Pipeline: Defined CI in Bitbucket for staging and develop-ment deployments.
    • GCP Cloud Environment: Installed and configured development and staging environments.
    • Fraud Detection: Built models in Neo4j for fraud detection.
    • Istio Mesh: Configured Istio for routing, multi-versioning sup-port (Canary, Blue-Green, Mirroring).
    • Logging and Monitoring: Set up Loki-Stack for log tracing across microservices.
    • Argo CD: Implemented Argo CD and Argo CD Image Updater and Argo rollout for application deployment in Dev and Staging environments.
    • Helm: Configured deployment repositories with Helm.
    • Debezium: Set up Debezium for sending outbox messages via PubSub.
    Google Cloud Java Spring Boot PostgreSQL Google Pub/Sub Argo CD CI/CD Kubernetes Camunda
  • axxessio GmbH
    Software Developer
    Oktober 2019 - Heute (5 Jahre und 4 Monate)
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Working as a Backend developer. I am working with Spring boot, Spring Webflux, Spock, Postgres, Kubernetes, Docker, Redis, Quarkus and also sometimes Python,...
    Spring boot Java Kubernetes Microsoft Azure Active Directory Python
  • GFT Group
    Functional Analyst
    April 2019 - Oktober 2019 (6 Monate)
    Frankfurt, Germany

    • Implementation of a large-scale project
    • Follow-up of new technologies and methods
    • Coordination with project participants to develop Trade finance solution for Deutsch Bank
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Master of Science in Computer Science
    Islamic Azad University
    Bachelor's degree, Computer science - hardware
  • High School Diploma, Mathematics
    Alborz High school
    High School Diploma, Mathematics