Veranstaltungen, Event, Dokumentation, E-Commerce Produktfotos für deinen Online Shop und auf Amazon Ebay, Facebook, Instagram, Mode- und Werbefotografie. Beauty, People, Editorial, Marketing
Veranstaltungen, Event, Dokumentation und Erklärvideos für Ihr Unternehmen.
Imagefilm, Interviews - auch vor "Green-Screen", Musikclips, Editorial, Drohnenaufnahmen
Video Schnitt, grafische Bearbeitungen und Animationen z.B. von Firmenlogo, Text, etc. Music&VoiceOver Edit (vorhandenes Sprecher/Musikarchiv)
Bearbeitungen mit Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop, In Design
Veranstaltungen, Messen, Event, Fashion, Architektur, Immobilien, Food, Kochen, Healthcare
Content production with photo & video and text for real estate marketing, recording and image films of events, trade fairs, congresses, product photos for online shops or on Amazon, Ebay, content creator on Facebook, Instagram, tiktok
drone shoots , events, documentation and explanatory videos for your company, image film, interviews - also in front of "green screen", music clips, editorial, marketing
Video editing, graphic editing and animations e.g. of company logo, text.
Music & VoiceOver Edit (speaker / music archive)
Edits with Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop, In Design
Business segments:
events, trade fairs, fashion, architecture, real estate, food, cooking, healthcare