- Cheil Germany GmbHSr. Retail Marketing Manager / Team LeadTELEKOMMUNIKATIONOktober 2008 - August 2018 (9 Jahre und 11 Monate)Schwalbach am Taunus, DeutschlandDuring my work as Sr. Retail Marketing Manager and Team Head for Cheil Germany / Samsung Group, I was responsible for the retail marketing department for Samsung Mobile Germany. Strategic consulting and positioning of Samsung as a premium brand, to establish innovative (digital) trends in retail, as well as a national consistent brand identity according to CI in around 3,500 shops were my main tasks - from conception and detailed planning to implementation.Recognizing trends in the age of sustainability and digitalization at an early stage, is a must for every company that wants to be consistently successful on the market. Customers expect a certain degree of sustainability, responsibility and as well brand- and product experience when interacting with brands, especially when they get in touch with top fashion brands today.
- GameStop Deutschland GmbHMarketing Manager DACHVIDEOSPIELE & ANIMATIONFebruar 2008 - September 2008 (8 Monate)Memmingen, DeutschlandVerantwortung für alle relevanten Marketing Aktivitäten auf DACH Ebene. Beginnend mit der Einführung einer neuen Guideline, Inhaltliche sowie Konzeptionelle Verantwortung für das GameStop Magazin, Durchführung von Messen bis hin zu FlagShip Store Neu-Eröffnungs-Kampagnen.