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Tobias Brüschke

Full Stack Developer (.Net, C#, Angular)
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    600 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung> 15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Tobias annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Fähigkeiten (17)
Tobias in wenigen Worten
Full Stack Developer

Passionate about worldwide full-stack software development with user interaction, specializing in the Microsoft .NET environment, including DevOps and Angular.

A good teamwork between each other is very important for me and a key to success. I also value direct collaboration with clients, which is why I work both on-site and remotely.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Brueschke Ltd
    Director, Owner and Full Stack Developer
    September 2015 - Heute (9 Jahre und 5 Monate)
    Worldwide Full Stack Development (.Net/C#/Angular)
    Legal frame for realizing IT Projects with one or multiple IT experts.
    C# WPF WinUi3 REST Front-End development Back-End development artificial intelligence SQL Angular
  • RWE Supply & Trading GmbH
    Full Stack Developer
    Juni 2020 - Juli 2024 (4 Jahre und 2 Monate)
    Essen, Germany
    Expand, maintenance and new development of different data imports inside the trading environment. This Includes Frontend and Backend in all parts.
    C# .NET REST Oracle SQL Angular Python Databricks Dremio artificial intelligence AngularJS CSS3
  • Deutsche Bahn
    Full Stack Developer
    Juli 2016 - März 2020 (3 Jahre und 9 Monate)
    Frankfurt am Main, Germany
    Expand, maintenance and new development of transport planning software amongst other things PTV VISUM for the organization of processes in transportation, especially freight transport.
    C# WinForms DevExpress .NET Thinkgeo MapControl ASP.NET Core Angular CSS3 Typescript SQL
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Master of Science
    Fachhochschule Darmstadt
    Master of Science (M.Sc.), Informatik
  • Bachelor of Science
    Fachhochschule Darmstadt
    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Informatik
  • Fachoberschule, Informatik
    Berufliche Schulen des Kreises Groß Gerau
    Fachoberschule, Informatik