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Sergey Walter

CMO On Demand - Beratung - Marketing & Strategy
2 Empfehlungen
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    880 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Sergey annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Berlin, Deutschland
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Sergey in wenigen Worten
✍️ As a CMO On Demand, I bring a wealth of experience in driving growth and profitability for companies of all sizes. My unique background as an entrepreneur (failed and scaled my own two companies) has given me an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities that businesses face. I specialize in creating and implementing effective marketing strategies that deliver results.

🔥 I have a passion for helping companies achieve their goals!

🏛️ When I founded my agency, Bissfest, in 2014 in London, Social Media, SEO, and other digital marketing strategies were considered unimportant. As we now know, this was a mistake.

💪 Now, after almost a decade, I feel ready and equipped to help as a CMO On Demand entrepreneurs, SMEs, and corporations. Strategically or „Hands on“.

🚫 My parters often lack transparency and clarity between actions and their effects. Making it difficult for them to effectively prioritize or respond to digital trends, Google or Social updates. As a consequence, goals are rarely achieved.

✅ I have already successfully solved these problems for clients like, Expedia or 1&1, or smaller ones like Coffee Annan or Match4Healthcare.

❓Does this sound interesting for you and your company?

📩 Feel free to send me a message or emailto get to know each other!

☕️ Currently, at Coffee Annan, we digitalize the value chain in the coffee producing countries and enable your company to have access to better coffee. With our specialty coffee roasted at origin we can serve our customers in Europe (and soon the world) highest quality (top 1-2%), fresh specialty office coffee while keeping more than 300% money/value generation in the countries of origin.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Coffee Annan
    CMO On Demand
    November 2022 - Januar 2023 (3 Monate)
    - Restructured strategically all the marketing activities: strategy, “4P”s, retention, analytics, design, content, Web, Performance, referral, and SEO

    - Led and executed a hands-on approach in implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy

    - Utilized data analytics to measure campaign performance and KPIs to optimize results
    SEO Social Media Content-Marketing Content-Strategie Webflow Performance Marketing Strategie Podcast Blog Marketing
  • ZAV24
    CMO On Demand
    Februar 2019 - Juni 2022 (3 Jahre und 4 Monate)
    - Developed a software product to fill a gap in the dental industry. A matching platform where patients can upload their treatment plans and dentists can make counteroffers

    - Acquired dentists and patients to trust the platform by means of Digital Marketing
    Marktplatz Software B2B B2C Produktmanagement Marktanalyse visuelle Kommunikation Webmarketing SEO
  • Bissfest
    Februar 2014 - Heute (10 Jahre und 12 Monate)
    Berlin, Deutschland
    - Helped different small- and medium-sized businesses attract customers’ attention and grow their revenue by leveraging marketing

    - Managed a team of 18 people from diverse cultures

    - Proven ability to handle pressure and work well under stressful situations with many reputable brands across Europe or even the German Federal Ministry of Health

    - Portfolio:
    Social Media Strategie SEO Branding Employer Branding Marketingstrategie Content-Marketing Marketing Blog
2 externe Empfehlungen
Maria WalterMW
Maria Walter
ShareNow GmbH
Sergey is an asset to any company. He is talented and carries a vast amount of experience with him which he applies to all his projects. We worked together on marketing and social media strategies involving user journeys, marketing funnel, multi-channel approach, OKRs, and KPIs. In a short span of time, we were able to find agile solutions to our problems and are now in the process of implementation.
Sebastian MaaßSM
Sebastian Maaß
Sergey hat eine hohe Auffassungsgabe, kommt schnell zum Punkt und überzeugt dann durch detaillierte, durchdachte Konzepte! Man kann immer noch einen Schritt tiefer mit ihm gehen in fast allen Themen.
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Bachelor of Science
    Royal Holloway University of London
    My course BSc Management with entrepreneurship covered all the key areas of management, including strategy, international business, markets and consumption, and accounting.
  • Abitur
    Schule halt...