- Erasmus School of EconomicsAssistant ProfessorSeptember 2020 - Heute (4 Jahre und 6 Monate)Rotterdam, Netherlands
- SFI Swiss Finance InstitutePhD CandidateSeptember 2015 - August 2020 (4 Jahre und 11 Monate)
- Stanford University Graduate School of BusinessVisiting Student ResearcherSeptember 2018 - November 2018 (2 Monate)Stanford, CA, USA
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), FinanceEcole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne2016Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Finance
- Master of ScienceStockholm School of Economics2015Master of Science (M.Sc.), Finance with specialization in Investment Management
- Master of ScienceFernUniversität in Hagen2019Master of Science - MS, Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in MathematicsFernUniversität in Hagen2017Bachelor's degree, Mathematics
- Bachelor of ScienceMartin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg2013Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Economics and Management