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Richard Laurence

Native English Copywriter
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    850 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit4h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Richard annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Munich, BY, Germany
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Richard in wenigen Worten
If you want incisive, direct and compelling English language content, that captures the attention of consumers and helps brands express themselves more powerfully, I'm your writer.

The words I write create demand for products and services. They help agencies, brands and entrepreneurs to stand out and build their businesses.

I write copy and content for advertising, websites, brochures, presentations, packaging, brand experience, scripts, SEO, creative treatments for Radio, TV, YouTube and online social media content.

I work for many German agencies and clients adapting original German text into correct, convincing, credible and effective English copy.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Self-Employed
    Freelance native English Copywriter / Creative Director
    September 2005 - Heute (19 Jahre und 6 Monate)
    Starnberg, BY, Germany
  • J. Walter Thompson
    Freelance International Creative Director / Consultant
    Januar 1999 - Januar 2004 (5 Jahre)
    Frankfurt, Germany

    • Controlled and co-ordinated the creative quality of all advertising materials for the Siemens mobile phone brand worldwide.
    • Launched Infineon Technologies AG onto the German stock market. The largest and most successful technology IPO ever achieved in Germany.
  • Change Communication GmbH
    Joint Managing Partner / Creative Director
    Januar 1997 - Januar 1999 (2 Jahre)
    Frankfurt, Germany

    • Launched the New Digital Marketing/Creative Department.
    • Delivered classical advertising campaigns for clients including Rover/Land Rover (Germany), Nestlé, Johnson & Johnson.
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