- SelbstständigMentoring, Training & FacilitationSeptember 2020 - Heute (4 Jahre und 6 Monate)inner work I transformation I new leadership Trainings, coachings, workshops, healings, retreats- mindfulness and mental fitness- consciousness development- leadership development- embodiment & somatic experiencing- energetic work & healing- empowerment melisunver.com
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- the beautiful ugly truth GmbHDirector Inspiring LeadershipMärz 2022 - September 2022 (6 Monate)Stuttgart, GermanyLeadership Development Team- und Organisationsentwicklung Change & Transformation Co-Creation I Trainings | Workshops | Coaching I Facilitation tbut.org
- Master of BusinessESB Business School, Reutlingen University2017Master of Business Administration (MBA), International Management
- 200h Yoga Teacher CertificationAssociation for Yoga and Meditation, Rishikesh, India2019200h Yoga Teacher Certification
- Master of BusinessUniversity of Victoria2016Master of Business Administration (MBA), International Management
- Bachelor of Business AdministrationThe Open University2012Bachelor hons, Business Administration
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Business Administration / Service Sector Management/-Marketing - Media and CommunicationDuale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg2012Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Business Administration / Service Sector Management/-Marketing - Media and Communication