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Lara Klinkenberg

Marketing Generalist & Creative Product Enthusiast
3 Empfehlungen
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    800 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
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Standort und Mobilität
Düsseldorf, NW, Deutschland
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Fähigkeiten (42)
Lara in wenigen Worten
I'm a creative marketing and product enthusiast with 6+ years of diversified professional experience in inbound marketing, branding and product management in the B2B SaaS space.

My mission is to build and market products that people love by understanding their problems and designing solutions that create value and make an impact.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
    Head of Marketing & Product
    Juli 2022 - Heute (2 Jahre und 6 Monate)
    Düsseldorf, Germany
    ONE HIRING is a HR-Tech platform specialising in the placement of Tech & Finance candidates in the professional services space.

    Within 3 months, I conceptualized, build and launched ONE HIRING – HR-tech platform to digitalise and automate existing recruiting processes. The platform became the key driver for an organisational and cultural shift that enabled a transition from a traditional recruiting business to a highly scalable RecTech platform (with medium double-digit Mn revenue, 120+ employees, international expansion and upcoming series A investment).

    - Established an inhouse product and tech team to automate end-to-end recruiting processes
    - Managed an external tech agency and 3 inhouse developers to build a two-sided talent platform
    - Created the entire product design concepts, feature specs and branding for the platform brand
    - Developed and implemented product roadmaps, strategy and product OKRs
    - Initiated and led the implementation of cloud-based hosting, productivity and agile PM tools
    - Reported directly to the CEO and CPO of the business
    - Built and professionalized the company’s marketing department from 0 to 5 marketers
    - Created and optimized 5 corporate websites, social media strategies and digital presence
    - Developed a 360 degree marketing strategy for three brands while executing integrated digital marketing campaigns to raise brand awareness, increase traffic (+250%) and generate leads (+2k)
    - Designed and implemented go-to-market strategies and product marketing initiatives (3 product launches, 1 relaunch: tech and finance platform)
    - Build and Implemented and managed several marketing & automation tools
    Digital Marketing Product Management Product Design UX/UI Design Product Development Marketing Strategy Branding Personalführung
  • by Redtribe
    September 2021 - Heute (3 Jahre und 4 Monate)
    91% of employees left their last employer due to missing opportunities for personal growth.

    The modern workplace of today is becoming increasingly digital, remote and people-centric. Employees no longer only see the transactional part of their job. Technology is creating the need to keep up with constant change in skills, competences and responsibilities in a fast-paced economy. Organisations have to rethink the way they retain a digital and decentralised workforce with mechanisms to foster growth, collaboration and culture.

    With upugo, we strive make people development a habit in organisations across the world.

    We envision upugo to become a people empowerment platform for self-organised and remote teams.

    Our mission is to enable people, teams and organisations to grow better together.

    upugo - Get Growing
    Product Management product owner Produktstrategie Product Development Product Design Start-up Lean Management Agile Entrepreneurship
  • Elliott Browne
    Head Of Marketing
    November 2020 - Juli 2022 (1 Jahr und 8 Monate)
    Düsseldorf, Germany
3 externe Empfehlungen
Janosch GannsJG
Janosch Ganns
FolderSys GmbH
If you are looking for someone not only trying to understand your product and how your company works, but also constructively challenging and refining the task at hand, you are looking for Lara.
Give her a problem to solve and her troubleshooter-mentality will holistically solve it, develope it to the next level and communicate the process faultless.
Give her an objective and she will ask the right questions, put all her energy into it and surprise you with the result.
If she is missing skills to progress the project, she will just add them to her already impressing toolbox. Even if they are from a completely different field of expertise - never seen someone picking up new skills like that.
All while being a joy to work with and someone to decompress with after a hard days work.
i cannot recommend her enough.
Acun GürsoyAG
Acun Gürsoy
DeepUp GmbH
Loved to collaborate with Lara back in the days when we worked within InVision AG. It's always a very grateful thing if an engineer (what I am) receives so much empathy from other roles, like marketing, when it comes to understanding the technical challenges or tasks that needs to be done. And it's totally overwhelming if someone from marketing, like Lara, is also willing to take over some simple tech tasks for both supporting and engaging the whole challenge. Her communication skills are outstanding and she knows how to present and reason her visions and ideas.
Her pro-active way of dealing with business related tasks shows that she is always thinking not only inside her frame, but reviewing everything in a real holistic way - no doubt that she got promoted for being head of in several departments afterwards.
Hope one day our business paths will cross again, loved the collaboration and totally recommend Lara!
Nadine FraissNF
Lara kennt sich in verschiedenen Themen rund um digitale Produkte und Marketing hervorragend aus. Dabei zeichnet sie nicht nur ihre hohe Kompetenz aus, man spürt auch ihre Leidenschaft und Motivation. Als Organisationstalent kann sie spielerisch verschiedenste Aufgaben jonglieren und verliert dabei durch ihre langjährige Erfahrung die wichtigen Dinge nie aus den Augen. Sie sieht immer das Gesamtbild, daher ist sie auch für strategische Themen besonders qualifiziert. Lara ist die perfekte Allrounderin für einfache, aber auch technisch-komplexe Produkt- und Marketingthemen, die sie sowohl operativ als auch strategisch gleichermaßen professionell begleiten kann. Eine klare Empfehlung!
Ausbildung & Abschlüsse
  • Master of Business Administration (M.B.A), General Management
    Post University
    Double-Degree Master Program Main Modules & Courses: - Economics – Applied Accounting & Finance - Project Management - Organizational Creativity - Competitive Intelligence - Business Strategy & Planning - Strategic Integrated Marketing Communication - Financial Modeling / Financial Tools for Managers - Quantitative Analysis & Decision-Making for Managers - The Future of Management & Leadership - Organizational Dynamics & Effectiveness Master Thesis Project (Grade: A): Transforming B2B customers into Brand advocates An empirical study of customer engagement in a contemporary marketing context.
  • Master of Arts (M.A.), General Management
    Double-Degree Master Program Main Modules & Courses: - Methods of Empirical Social Research - Functional Areas of Management - International Business Development - Leadership and Competences - Business Law Master Thesis Project (Grade: 1.0) Transforming B2B customers into Brand advocates An empirical study of customer engagement in a contemporary marketing context.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.), International Marketing (EN)
    Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences
    International management studies (UK stream) with a highly practical focus on theory-business transfer by means of a diversified curriculum, integrated internships and project-based collaboration with international companies. Bachelor Thesis Project: Inbound Lead Generation – What Else? Accelerating B2B customer acquisition for Nespresso on digital channels through visibility, audience engagement & interaction.
  • International Business Certificate, International Business and Economics
    ISM University of Management and Economics
    Successful completion of an internationally certified 6 month exchange program consisting of a selected set of courses: - Branding and Communications Management - Crisis Management - Doing Business in a Global Economy - Intercultural Communication - Strategic Controlling - Strategic Public Relations
  • University Entrance Diploma (A-levels)
    Städt. Rurtal Gymnasium
    Higher level courses: - English - Biology - Social Sciences Final Grade: 2.3