- Henry Gressmann Software EngineeringFreelancerDIGITALAGENTUREN & IT-CONSULTINGSeptember 2021 - Heute (3 Jahre und 5 Monate)Berlin, Deutschland
- POG.networkCo-FounderFORSCHUNGJuni 2021 - Heute (3 Jahre und 8 Monate)Berlin, DeutschlandWith POG.network we're striving to build a green and fast cryptocurrency. I'm focusing on designing the protocol, the overall architecture of the project and building out smart contract support.
- EtournityFull-stack DeveloperUNTERHALTUNG & FREIZEITJuli 2020 - Dezember 2020 (5 Monate)Berlin, DeutschlandI joined the Etournity team as a developer in the summer of 2020 and worked on transitioning the project to next.js and securing the GraphQL API.
- Bachelor of Science - Software EngineeringCODE University of Applied Sciences
- AbiturBerufliche Schulen Bebra2019