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Erik Hölzel

Fullstack Developer (Java, JS) & Scrum Master
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    690 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
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Standort und Mobilität
Potsdam, Deutschland
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Erik in wenigen Worten
With over 10 years of work experience in software development and IT consulting, I am an IT expert who loves to share my passion and skills with others. I currently work as a Java trainer for AW Academy as well as surf instructor at sea-natives surf camp.

I have experience in working with Backend and Frontend technologies such as Java, Spring, React, Angular etc. I have previously worked as a senior IT consultant and software engineer at Young Digitals Consulting GmbH, Swisscom AG, Tyro Payments as well as Cologne Intelligence GmbH, where I delivered high-quality solutions for clients across different sectors and regions.

I have also worked as a surf instructor and yoga retreat manager in various locations, where I combined my love for surfing and nature. I am always eager to learn new things, explore new places, and meet new people. I value diversity, sustainability, and innovation, and I aim to make a positive impact through my work and hobbies.

Feel free to contact me with relevant questions and I will get back to you ASAP.
Looking forward to get in touch with you
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • AW Academy
    java trainer
    August 2022 - Heute (2 Jahre und 6 Monate)
    Remote, OR, USA
    🚀 Helping Aspiring Developers Excel in the World of Java

    As a dedicated Java Developer Trainer, I'm privileged to work with an incredible team at AW, where we are on a mission to empower individuals aspiring to become Java web developers. My role involves equipping our students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the dynamic world of software development.

    📚 Comprehensive Curriculum, Expert Training

    At AW, our curriculum is designed to cover the entire spectrum of Java development, from the very basics of programming and Java essentials to diving deep into advanced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. I have the privilege of leading the charge in instructing several key modules:

    🔵 Java Mastery: We start with a strong foundation in Java, ensuring students grasp its core concepts and principles.

    🌐 Web Development Essentials: Covering HTML, we pave the way for our learners to create interactive and engaging web applications.

    ⚙️ Frameworks and Tools: We delve into the practical world of Java development by introducing popular frameworks like Spring Boot and essential tools like Git.

    🗃️ Databases: Understanding the importance of data, we explore both relational and NoSQL databases, giving our students a holistic view of data management.

    🧪 Best Practices: We emphasize Test-Driven Development (TDD), Clean Code principles, and testing practices to ensure our developers write robust and maintainable code.

    💻 Full Stack Development: In addition to Java, we broaden their skillset with JavaScript and frontend frameworks like React and Angular, making them well-rounded full-stack developers.

    📈 Continuous Learning: In today's fast-paced tech world, adaptability is key. We cultivate a mindset of continuous learning, preparing our students for a successful career in Java development.

    📩 Let's Connect: Feel free to reach out if you're passionate about Java, web development, or just want to chat about the exciting world of technology!
    Java Spring boot Spring MVC Spring JavaScript Git MySQL
  • Young Digitals Consulting GmbH
    Senior IT Consultant and Senior Software Engineer
    Juli 2020 - Mai 2022 (1 Jahr und 11 Monate)
    Berlin, Deutschland
    Technical project lead – Young Digitals Consulting GmbH @Payback/Aral, Berlin, Germany (2021)
    - Facilitated all kinds of meetings and reporting between stakeholders and departments of Payback and Aral. Troubleshooted different expectations across stakeholders on both sides. - Organised and accomplished manual product testing on petrol stations. Introduced feedback loops across parties.
    Key Achievements:
    ▪ Introduced closer feedback loops between members of different companies
    ▪ Setup common understanding across departments about goals and how to measure them

    Scrum Master – Young Digitals Consulting GmbH @Daimler AG, Berlin, Germany (2020 – 2021)
    - Implemented Scrum as well as the SAFe framework to one product team. Trained the team to understand the Scrum and SAFe meetings. Facilitated Breakout sessions during the SAFe PI plannings. Managed risks and solved impediments.

    Key Achievements:
    ▪ Transformed a classic setup BI development team into a working Scrum team
    ▪ Consulted Product Owner
    ▪ Liaison between teams and RTE to foster Interrelations of SAFe members

    Agile Coach and Scrum Master – Young Digitals Consulting GmbH @DKB Services AG, Berlin, Germany (2020)
    - Acted as agile coach and guided three teams through the process of implementing the Scrum framework.
    - Facilitated Design Sprints to help the teams prototype their focus product features. Introduced, organised and held scrum ceremonies for scrum teams.
    Key Achievements:
    ▪ Coached three teams to become functional Scrum teams
    ▪ Consulted Product Owner to fully understand their role
    ▪ Guided the teams to shape and understand their shared goal through the Design Sprint method
    Java Scrum Master design sprints SAFe Scrum Agile Coaching
  • Swisscom
    Freelance Fullstack Software Engineer and Scrum Master
    März 2017 - Juni 2018 (1 Jahr und 3 Monate)
    Zürich, Switzerland
    Swisscom is a major telecommunication infrastructure and internet provider in Switzerland. One of the departments responsibilities is to develop administration and configuration user interfaces for customers as well as for internal agents and technical staff members. These user interfaces are written in JavaScript, Angular and jQuery. The communication to the backend uses REST APIs and talks to a lot of different sub systems also via REST and/ or SOAP. Scrum is used as the agile methodology, where team members act cross functional all the way from solution design through implementation to testing. After some weeks I became a responsible for two different projects. A feature migration project, where the main challenge is to migrate authentication scenarios to a new target system. The other project is an API consolidation. In order to improve new infrastructure requirements, there is a need to redefine REST Interfaces with the goal of a well encapsulated coherent API. Furthermore I became a certified Scrum Master (CSM) and embodied this role in our cross functional team with all its responsibilities. Key responsibilities: This role was a fullstack role covering any kind of development from web based frontend work using JavaScript, Angular 1.5, REST, etc. to backend Java development. I was responsible for code reviews and implementation of features as well as writing stories and planning them for the next sprint. Additional I helped improving the scrum board and general agile practises across the team. I was also member of a focus group called "Continouse Integration" (CI) where our goal was to refine and implement all sorts of CI workflows as well as technologies like git flow or Jenkins pipelining. As Scrum Master I facilitated Scrum meetings, made progress and improvements of the team visible and guided the team towards the companies transformation from a waterfall approach towards Scaled Agile Framework (SAFE).
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Computer Science
    Fernuniversität Hagen
    Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science
    Hochschule Mittweida (FH)
    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Informatik
  • IT specialist for system integration, Computer Programming
    3d-micromac AG
    IT specialist for system integration, Computer Programming