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Daniel Weidensdörfer

Android Developer
1 Empfehlung
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    711 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung3-7 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Daniel annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Dresden, Deutschland
Ist bereit bei Ihnen im Büro zu arbeiten, in
  • Dresden und Umkreis (bis zu 50 km)

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Daniel in wenigen Worten
Daniel is a passionate and highly efficient Android engineer with over 9 years of practical programming experience. At the age of 12 he already started developing his first Java programs. Making code easily readable and understandable for other developers, is one result of his long experience in software engineering. His learning abilities are outstanding, so that even after a short training period in existing projects he is able to fix bugs and rapidly implement substantial new features. 6 years of Android Experience combined with advanced Kotlin skills now form his expertise to write clean and efficient code in a highly scalable architecture for your business.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Leading Automotive Manufacturer
    White Label Design System
    Juli 2022 - Heute (2 Jahre und 7 Monate)
    Developement of a whitelabel design system to enable the integration of features in differently branded production applications. The Kotlin API is developed using Jetpack Compose. Code reviews ensure utmost code quality while a Github Actions CI is responsible for publishing the release artifact. Additionally to library developement, tracking of implementation progress and API documentation was introduced. Also support for the crossfunctional team has been provided to switch from kanban to a scrum based team workflow.
    white label Kotlin Scrum Jeptack Compose Library API CI/CD
  • GmbH
    Car Retail Application
    Dezember 2021 - Juni 2022 (6 Monate)
    Berlin, Deutschland
    Development of a large scale car retail app in a cross functional team that makes use of the scrum methodology. The native and multi module Kotlin application utilizes an extended MVVM architecture combined with Dagger for dependency injection. RxJava makes the app reactive, while Shared Preferences is used for local data storage. The UI is created using Android Views combined with Data Binding, supported by custom Binding Adapters. Unit tests, built with Truth and BDD Mockito, ensure highest code quality. Restful API’s are realizing the backend communication. All developers took the responsibilities of Pull Request reviews and release management. The project is checked by a comprehensive CI.

    Team of 2 Android - 2 Web - 1 iOS - 2 BE - 1 UX - 1 EM - 1 PM/PO
    Android Kotlin MVVM Dagger RxJava Multi Module Data Binding Views BDD Mockito Truth Restful API's Scrum Pull Request reviews Release Management Unit Tests Binding Adapters reactive large scale
  • Personal Project
    Zero Based Budgeting App (ZBBA)
    Dezember 2020 - Juli 2021 (8 Monate)
    ZBBA is a native money management app written in Kotlin. This from scratch designed and implemented project is largely inspired by YNAB. An MVVM architecture and Hilt for dependency injection build the foundation. Room is used to persist transactional data, while DataStore is responsible for saving simple session information. The application is highly reactive using Kotlin Flows API combined with LiveData. The UI consists of a View based layout combined with Jetpack Compose. A full range of unit tests using JUnit 4 and Mockito ensure highest code quality. This is additionally reinforced with UI Tests written in Espresso and Jetpack Compose testing framework. The GitHub repository includes a basic CI built with GitHub Actions.
    Android Kotlin MVVM Hilt Jetpack Compose Flows Coroutines Mockito Room DataStore Espresso CI GitHub Actions Views LiveData reactive scratch native
1 externe Empfehlung

Philip Brechler empfiehlt Daniel

Philip BrechlerPB
Philip Brechler GmbH
Daniel was part of a cross-functional team that I am leading as a product manager, working on an online financing flow in our fully native Kotlin Android app. He always showed a very strong commitment to his work and the value created. He always advocated for creating the best solution for the user and business while keeping the code clean and shipping quality. Although he only worked with us for half a year as a contractor, he quickly became an integral part of the team and larger Android community within the company. I can highly recommend hiring Daniel for any team that needs a strong and committed engineer.