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Christine D. A. Hasebrink

Interim Manager for Marketing & Communication
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    900 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Christine D. A. annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Düsseldorf, Deutschland
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Christine D. A. in wenigen Worten
As a pro-active Senior Marketing Professional in Europe with 12 years of experience, I guide
businesses and teams of different sizes towards new ways. I love helping companies in crisis and guiding them through changes. Businesses see me as a reliable business partner who provides a better understanding of situations and who enables a positive transformation of the business. Thereby, I support teams in any way needed, so they can flourish and drive projects forward. I love working in fast-paced environments and taking the lead in all marketing tasks. With a proven track of rapid progression and outstanding achievements delivering creative, impactful and engaging communications and marketing strategies is my specialty. Thereby, my passion, my hands-on mentality, and my humor are my strongest assets.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Dentex Health
    Interim Marketing Director
    Oktober 2020 - September 2021 (12 Monate)
    London City, Vereinigtes Königreich
    Overseeing an established and autonomous marketing department ensuring that initiatives across digital marketing, communication, design and social media are executed to a high standard.
    ▹ Managing a multi-channel marketing team & representing marketing at a management level.
    ▹ Ensure all practices within the dental group (80+) are receiving the marketing support they require and utilizing services as needed.
    ▹ Ensuring the smooth and consistent flow of projects being successfully executed by the marketing team.
    ▹ Strategic planning and managing the Business Communication regarding PR-crisis and the ongoing enhancement of the network of dental practices.
    ▹ Successfully increased motivation and creativity among team members despite on-going lockdowns and 100% Home-Office.
    ▹ Established a sense of togetherness between team members of Marketing, Digital Marketing, PR & Communication, Design, and Social Media, guaranteeing the success of cross-departmental initiatives.
    ▹ Fearless in creatively recruiting outstanding candidates to propel the marketing team forward into future successes.
    ▹ Managing intern and extern conferences, events & workshops (on-/ offline).
    ▹ Budget responsibility incl. budget planning and administration
    Change Management Abteilungsleitung Marketing Corporate Communications Konzeptentwicklung 360-Grad-Kommunikation Strategie Eventmanagement
  • Viridium Gruppe
    Interim Corporate Communication Manager
    Juli 2019 - Dezember 2020 (1 Jahr und 6 Monate)
    Neu-Isenburg, Deutschland
    Rebranding of a life insurance company post-merger.
    ▹ Project lead to all relevant corporate communication processes during the post-merger integration process.
    ▹ Management of the internal and external Marketing- and Communication-workstreams with the relevant stakeholders.
    ▹ New brand development.
    ▹ Coordination and implementation of the rebranding activities.
    ▹ Introduction and communicative support during the integration and change process.
    ▹ Managing multidisciplinary teams.
    ▹ Managing agencies and vendors.
    Change Management Change Kommunikation Post Merger Integration Corporate Communications Eventmanagement Projektmanagement Troubleshooting
  • Alvarez & Marsal Deutschland
    Interim Marketing and Communication Manager
    Januar 2016 - April 2019 (3 Jahre und 4 Monate)
    München, Deutschland
    Development and implementation of a marketing and business development strategy from scratch followed by a marketing plan with a focus on the German market and specific target groups.
    ▹ Optimisation and development of new marketing and PR-activities to intensify the brand awareness level.
    ▹ Development, planning, management and implementation of high visible events as key part of the overall marketing and PR-strategy (e.g. client reception at BMW World, Munich, Germany or Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany.
    ▹ Briefing, coordination and handling of all suppliers, vendors and PR-agency.
    ▹ Managing multidisciplinary teams.
    ▹ Project lead and budget responsibility.
    Marketing Corporate Branding Corporate Communications Projektmanagement Strategie Eventmanagement Business Development
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Industrial Business Executive, Construction Industry (IHK)
    DYWIDAG, Düsseldorf
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing
    International Business School Groningen, Netherlands
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing
    International Business School Budapest, Hungary
  • Social Media and Online Marketing Manager
    Comcave College, Duisburg