I solve problems and think with design in my mind. Creating something new out of ever changing ideas, environments and conditions is what drives my motivation as a freelancer.
The priorities in my work are:
A good website or application has to be appealing - for the user, the content creator and the coder. Good design might start in the user interface but to me, it does not end after the full technology stack.
Bespoke solutions:
The client's requirements and needs are the top priority in my solutions. They need to be well thought out so they make an application or website part of a successful story.
Communication and reliability:
Having a clear and solution oriented communication is key for a reliable workflow. For me this includes not only E-Mails or Slack but also neatly organized production steps using Git and other technologies. Being fluent in German, English and French I have made experiences with project team sizes from 1 to 20 persons.