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Arash Forouhar

  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    700 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate50 %
  • AntwortzeitEin paar Tage
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Arash annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Nur remote
Führt Projekte hauptsächlich remote aus

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Diese Profile passen auch zu Ihrer Suchanfrage
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Agatha Frydrych

Backend Java Software Engineer

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Baptiste Duhen

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Audrey Champion

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Fähigkeiten (8)
Arash in wenigen Worten
I work on both local and international projects and provide a variety of services, tailored to your development needs. Through my years of experience, I have been exposed to the entire product lifecycle, and been able to support and deliver various projects ranging from simple showcase websites to complex e-commerce one.
I have been involved in many exciting and complex projects and can handle concepts from design to implementation. I can assist you in creating custom functionalities, themes and plugins. I'm detail oriented and enjoy building new ideas, with focus on deliverables, quality, and maintainability.

I can help you with:

✔️ Creating your website from scratch
✔️ Keeping your website up to date
✔️ Adding functionality to your Websites or Mobile App
✔️ API Integrations.
✔️ Bug fixing on your existing site.
✔️ Improving your visibility on the web, and SEO Service.
✔️ Setting up a traffic acquisition and loyalty strategy.

My Technology Stacks:

✔️ Frameworks & Platforms: Prestashop, Shopware, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Shopify
✔️ Backend: PHP (Pure, Laravel, Symphony), Python, Go
✔️ Front-end: React.Js (With Redux), Vue.js
✔️ Mobile: React-Native, Swift, Flutter
✔️ CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, Buddy, Github Actions
✔️ Container Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes
✔️ Cloud Services: GCP, AWS, AlibabaCloud,OpenStack
✔️ Database: Mysql, MongoDB, Neo4j, Redis, ElasticSearch
✔️ Design Tools: Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator

My Commitments:

✔️ High Quality Code
✔️ Premium Support
✔️ Professional Communication and Reporting
✔️ Reachability (7 days a week)
✔️ Reasonable Price

I always remain at your disposal.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • Asan International Trade & Consulting Limited
    President & CEO in Asan Global Trade & Consulting Limited
    Januar 2016 - Heute (9 Jahre und 2 Monate)
    Global Trade & Consulting
  • ASAN SA Baby Nutrition & Medical Care
    President & CEO in ASAN S.A Baby Nutrition and Medical Care
    September 2014 - Heute (10 Jahre und 6 Monate)
    Greece Baby Nutrition & Medical Care Member of Bennett SA Group and Exclusive Distributor of DMK BABY ( HUMANA GMBH GERMANY ) in Greece
  • Asan Tech
    Januar 2016 - Heute (9 Jahre und 2 Monate)
    Asan Tech is the start-up factory of Asan International Trade & Consulting Ltd. member of Asan International Corporation group!
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    University of Houston
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering