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Andreas Dr. Wagner

Business Development Pharma und Biotechnologie
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    180 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Andreas annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Hannover, Deutschland
Ist bereit bei Ihnen im Büro zu arbeiten, in
  • Hannover und Umkreis (bis zu 50 km)
  • Hamburg und Umkreis (bis zu 100 km)
  • Berlin und Umkreis (bis zu 100 km)
  • München und Umkreis (bis zu 100 km)
  • Frankfurt am Main und Umkreis (bis zu 100 km)

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Fähigkeiten (12)
Andreas in wenigen Worten
Business Development Lead
Customer-centric leader with substantial experience devising, developing, and executing customer success strategies and generating new business opportunities across Europe, USA, and Asia.
Strong business acumen with demonstrated success designing and implementing necessary business development strategies to accomplish breakthrough sales objectives. Proven background in directing high-performance teams and ensuring market expansion to enable the achievement of full business potential. Remarkable expertise in creating unique market-entry strategies, managing business relationships, building credibility, and establishing immediate rapport with potential clients. Instrumental in cultivating and maintaining long-lasting partnerships with key stakeholders to accomplish goals and meet critical deadlines in pharmaceutical, biotech, and chemical environments.
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
  • R-Pharm Germany GmbH
    Business Development Manager
    Januar 2017 - Januar 2019 (2 Jahre)
    Illertissen, Germany
    Provided strategic support in budget/turnover planning and sourcing FTE for the business development within R Pharm. Expanded and managed customer base for contract manufacturing services, tech transfer project, sourcing dossier aimed at in/out-licensing of own nutraceutical products.
    •Ensured 20% increase in turnover for R-Pharm by attracting new customers and securing new manufacturing contracts with major pharma company
    •Acquired four new projects for the company from well-known pharmaceutical and nutraceutical company.
  • Kirsch Pharma GmbH
    International Sales Manager
    Januar 2015 - Januar 2016 (1 Jahr)
    Salzgitter, Germany
    Led budget planning and managed all price and contract negotiations to enable the achievement of full business potential. Developed new business and serviced existing customer with all kind of information needed while engaging with key clients. Recognised new customers and products and secured business with existing customer.
    •Increased turnover by expanding and retaining new customer and products within major pharma and food companies.
    •Engaged new customers and presented various outreach methods, including development of new brochures and website.
  • L-A-W Services GmbH (formerly Riemser AG)
    Sales Director, Contract Manufacturing & Services
    Januar 2011 - Januar 2014 (3 Jahre)
    Leipzig, Germany
    Administered all tech transfers for products and related contracts, including CDAs, supply contracts, and technical agreements. Mentored a diverse team to negotiate and secure best prices for Riemser products. Developed strong business funnel to fill Leipzig plant with third-party manufacturing projects. Devised and produced marketing materials to assist all initiatives, including brochures, giveaways, and exhibitions. Developed new distribution chain in MENA countries for supporting company expansion to new markets. Procured new customers and facilitated various outreach methods, including brochures and website. Coordinated simultaneous transfer of 30 products to Spanish CMO within short time frame. Spearheaded close communications with stakeholders/technical players to ensure ceaseless transfer. Liaised with new CMOs to support price decrease.
    •Gained turnover of 25% in Leipzig plant by securing new contract with major customer.
    •Recognised in/out-licensing opportunities and coordinated extension of licensing dossiers business.
    •Increased turnover by 20% through securing new manufacturing contract with key pharma company.
    •Ensured 10% decrease in product prices by designing new streamlined process focusing on enabling quicker transfer of products to contract manufacturing organisations (CMOs). Additional Experience
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Master of Business
    Master of Business Administration in BioMedTech
  • Doctor of Philosophy
    University of Hanover
    Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
  • Marketing and Market Research
    Marketing and Market Research