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Alberto Ferrero

Art Director, Photographer
  • Unverbindlicher Tarif
    600 € /Tag
  • Berufserfahrung8-15 Jahre
  • Antwortrate100 %
  • Antwortzeit1h
Das Projekt startet erst, wenn Sie das Angebot von Alberto annehmen
Standort und Mobilität
Berlin, Deutschland
Ist bereit bei Ihnen im Büro zu arbeiten, in
  • Berlin und Umkreis (bis zu 50 km)

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Alberto in wenigen Worten
Storytelling is the oldest and most powerful way to impact, educate and inspire people to take action. So ask yourself this: is your brand telling a good story?

I’m Alberto Ferrero and LIQUIDMARBLE is your one-stop-shop for creative storytelling. What may appear at first glance to be extremely slick product photography is actually something much bigger. It’s full-service brand storytelling (and a little bit of marketing savvy, too).

For the past 10+ years, I’ve worked as a graphic designer, art director and photographer to create storytelling photography for startups and sustainability brands. I create storytelling photography that will give your products a little something extra online, connect with your customers, and look good too.

Ready to take your brand to the next level? Get in touch and let’s see what we can achieve together. For more, visit my agency LIQUIDMARBLE at my website: albertoferrero. de
Projekt- und Berufserfahrung
    Art Director, Photographer
    Mai 2021 - Heute (3 Jahre und 9 Monate)
    Berlin, Germany
    Welcome to your one-stop-shop for creative storytelling. What may appear at first glance to be extremely slick product photography is actually something much bigger. It’s full-service brand storytelling (and a little bit of marketing savvy, too).
    I design photos that go hand in hand with website layouts. That collaborate with the experience and usability of your online commerce platform. Photos that make great products look even greater, and get people to buy what you’re selling.
    I take care of the whole process – from idea to execution – so you don’t have to.
    Wondering how it works? Let me guide you through the four steps:

    1 - the CONCEPT
    It starts with a conversation. Let’s talk about your brand and goals. Working with mood boards – a collection of images that helps explain ideas – I’ll then suggest different ideas and directions. Together, we decide which path to take.
    During the CONCEPT phase, I take into account the usability and experience of your website. How your photography applied to the functionality and responsiveness of your site will best portray the qualities of the product.
    Once we agree on a vision, I develop the path and create a storyboard – a sketched preview of what will be set up in the photo studio – and start planning your shoot.

    2 - the SET DESIGN
    Based on your storyboard, the SET DESIGN phase is when I’ll decide which materials and objects we’ll need for the shoot. Lunar landscapes made of clay. Citrus explosions with lemon peels. Paper castles and LED lava. You name it, and we can probably bring it to life. You can think of the set design as a physical representation of your storyboard.

    3 - the PHOTOGRAPHY phase goes hand in hand with SET DESIGN. Leveraging photographic techniques and professional equipment ranging from fisheye lenses to strobe lighting, we create the RAW photo set.
    With the images shot, we’ll move into post production.

    4 - the POST PRODUCTION phase is when things really come to life. I’ll select the photos that best tell your story and leverage special effects in retouching programs like Adobe Photoshop, painting techniques, or collage to get the desired result.

    Like other art forms, this stage can take some time! Sometimes up to a few days for a single image. But I swear that it’s worth the wait.

    From there, you’ll get your unretouched photo set and choose your favorites. I’ll put on the finishing touches and then it’s go time.


    There are plenty of reasons you want to have one person behind the whole process!

    Communication is faster and more direct. It speeds up iterations and cuts back on the misunderstandings that come up between roles. As a one man show, I can also promise you my complete focus – I only take on a couple of projects at a time. Hiring me means you’ll get a dedicated creative collaborator who is nice to work with, too.

    With my expertise, I’ll help you discover what your customers need and tap into the emotions that will connect them with your brand. We are going to design compelling stories and create images that will elevate your brand. In this way, we will be able to create a link, form a connection, and make sure your brand leaves an indelible mark on your customers.

    Storytelling product photography branding User Interface Design Adobe Creative Suite concept design
  • Amorelie
    Lead Photographer
    April 2013 - Mai 2020 (7 Jahre und 1 Monat)
    Berlin, Germany
    In Amorelie, as in many start ups, you end up accomplishing many more tasks than would be related to your role. Starting out as a graphic designer in 2012 I built a team of graphic designers and videographers and established a photography process, setting up an in-house studio to produce product and lifestyle photography weekly. My work included creating concepts for campaigns and working closely with the marketing, brand, product design, social media and public relations departments.
    My role was to have the big picture, check that the CI and the visual communication of the brand were always in line with the guidelines. Also as a photographer I was creating campaigns from the concepts to the execution.
    Artistic direction graphic design photography Team management E-commerce UI Web Design
  • Mirror Production for Pitti fashion fair Florence
    Photo editor, postproduction
    Januar 2012 - Juli 2013 (1 Jahr und 7 Monate)
    Florence, Italy
    - photo post-production for the online site
    - selection of photos from photographers
    - editing photos following guidelines for the online site
    - creating panoramic photos of stands for luxury brands
    - retouching product photos for the digital launch of new released fashion clothes
    - preparing images ready for the website
    Adobe Photoshop color grading Photo retouching E-commerce Fashion
Externe Empfehlungen
Ausbildung und Abschlüsse
  • Design and Visual Communications
    Università degli Studi di Firenze / University of Florence